
Showing posts with the label 25

ISI 25-2e Preparation of Starch from Tubers

Return 1. Scope The method is applicable to potatoes. The method can be adapted to other tubers. Ref.: LT   March 1994 Rev. LT  Oct. 1998 2. Principle The tubers are cleaned and grated. The grating (rasping) is screened and the crude starch milk is washed and screened. 3. Apparatus 3.1 Balance weighing to the nearest 1 g. 3.2 Extraction screen 250 microns openings 3.3 Refining screens with 125 microns and 75 micron openings 3.4 Imhoff precipitation cone 1000 ml, graduated 3.5 Grater with sharp cutting edges 3.6 Büchner funnel with suction and filter paper. 4. Reagents 4.1 Water of high sanitary quality free of suspended particles and odor. pH: 6.5 – 8.0; Iron: max. 0.05 ppm F...